Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monica's gift to Elder Harmer

What an amazing journey we had to the beautiful country of Australia! Jordan, or Elder Harmer, as everyone there affectionately called him, was serving in the Melbourne Mission - Chinese speaking (most of the time). From the moment he opened his call, I wanted to be able to go pick him up at the conclusion of his mission. I didn't know if it would be possible, but low and behold, the power of desire, attraction, killer airfares, and a sweet and supportive husband made the dream come true.

I won't make this a travel log but will post some fun pictures that share part of our journey. Aubrey, my sweet 16 year old daughter, and I had a fabulous experience. After she and I spent several days touring the city and outskirts of Melbourne, we finally met up with Jordan. The anticipation and excitement was very high. What a sweet experience that was to finally reconnect with my son!
The next 2 days were filled with 2 baptisms, attending 3 different wards, one fireside, dinner at the President and Sister Lindley's home and meeting lots of wonderful missionaries, recent converts, and ward members. It was humbling to see the love and gratitude shared by all of these wonderful people.

Monica, a Chinese student and recent convert that Elder Harmer and Elder Teng baptized, ran up to him at the end of the church meeting. She said that she hadn't realized he was leaving or she would have brought a gift for him. Instead, she said that she would like to give him a gift of sharing her testimony. She stood there in the foyer and humbly and confidently bore testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ. She shared her love for Him, the Atonement and His Gospel. She concluded her testimony in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. Elder Harmer told her that was the best gift that anyone could have given him.
As I stood and witnessed such a tender and sweet exchange of a life altering gift that she had been given as well as her gratitude and confidence in sharing with him her knowledge and testimony, I was touched. I was deeply moved by the grace and confidence of bearing her testimony in the midst of crowds of people in the foyer. This was a priceless moment as a mother to witness. I felt the gratitude for my son's service, for a willing recipient's heart and the power of Christ to change lives, which will now bless the life of Monica and future generations.

I hope to be so humble and confident in sharing my gratitude for my Savior and His love, grace and mercy in my life.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Life Vision-----Planting Your Garden

I refuse to write anything in this blog that I'm not trying to implement myself. This is actually a very good way for me to be accountable to myself and share some wonderful things that are helping me. I want to give you a glimpse of Life Vision.

I met a wonderful woman, Ann Webb, a couple of years ago. She spoke at my home where we were holding a women's retreat entitled "A Refuge from the Storm." I bought her workbook and proceeded to create my Life Vision on my own. I spent several days thinking about all the areas in my life and what I wanted to create in each one of them - spiritual, physical, financial, relationships, and personal development. I wrote, recorded and listened to it for awhile......but, I hadn't caught the vision of how powerful this exercise could be.

I've found myself in a spot to re-create my life to a much deeper level and get the coaching and training behind it. This time I attended one of Ann's workshops which was 100% more effective for me. A small group of us were gathered to do this together. We heard Ann's own amazing story of her creating her own Life Vision and how she began manifesting the things in her life that she desired. This has turned into her becoming a Life Vision Coach where her mission is to help others create this for themselves.

About 10 of us were gathered in her living room, and the networking alone was tremendous. I was surrounded by amazing people who had creativity, energy and vision. I am confident that I will be associating with all of these people in one way or another because I was so impressed with each one of them. Then, we got to work. Right there we began typing and focusing on each area of our life - creating our ideal self. The day was broken into segments with breaks and lunch in between. By the end of the day, I had a 10 page document of my own Life Vision. We didn't end just there. I came home and finished touching up some minor details and then recorded my Life Vision with a program that Ann provided that allows you to put music to it. This reaches the subconscious part of the brain which really is the powerhouse anyway.

My Life Vision is about 30 minutes long, and I'm recording it to my Ipod to listen to while I'm exercising daily. I'll let you know when the first miracle happens!!
If you want to create the life of your dreams with power and intensity, I'd suggest you visit with Ann Webb. Her website is:

Our lives are like gardens. They constantly need maintenance. When I've worked hard and think I've arrived and eased up, guess what happens?? Weeds begin to grow and take over. We need to constantly weed out our lives and thoughts we DON'T want and continually plant, feed, water and nourish what we DO want. This will create incredible beauty.

We need to implement universal laws in this process. The Law of Attraction creates the vision, the Law of Gestation (patience....this is hard for me, but every seed planted needs a gestation or incubation period before it takes root). If we force something to grow, it won't. If we keep digging up the seed to see if it has taken root, we ruin the process. We need patience. The last law is the Law of Action. The Quakers have a wonderful saying, "When you pray, move your feet." We need to take the steps necessary to bring about our desires.

Have fun creating YOUR Life Vision, be patient, implement action steps and reap what you sow!!